The Kindness and Love of God Our Saviour Toward Man Appeared (Titus 3:4)


But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared (Titus 3:4)

Even after our alienation from God because of our sin, God extended kindness and love toward us in the person of Jesus Christ. He was and is patient to draw all of us to Himself. Herein is kindness and love toward enemies; God extended amnesty regardless of who we were in time past.

It came by mercy, washing, regenerating, and renewing abundantly of the Spirit and through the Son. We were running far away from Him, but He turned us around in Jesus Christ. When the onus of salvation is in God’s hands and the historical fact of Christ crucified and risen again, we stop looking to ourselves for merit. We can only glorify and thank God for what He has already done.