Barabbas (Matthew 27:16)


And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas. (Matthew 27:16)

Barabbas was imprisoned for sedition, robbery, and murder, but pardoned by the governor and his citizens. Why was such a man favored over the Son of God to be set free? Jesus had compassion on the masses. Multitudes were healed. Even if they did not believe His messianic claims, which would be absurd, surely they would appreciate His ability to feed thousands from morsels, calm violent storms, and defeat the forces of darkness with a word.

How could they possibly want such a deviant over the precious Son of God? This is the wrong perspective. The world always wanted Satan over God.

But there’s more. You and I are Barabbas. We were the deviants on death row. We are the prisoners set free. We are at liberty because the Savior was condemned.