Amon King of Judah


Amon son of Manasseh became king after his father but ignored all the lessons learned of his father. Manasseh may have started cleaning up all the idols and filth that he made but did not do a thorough job. Amon found and worshipped and sacrificed to some of the remaining idols. Unlike his father, he did not turn to the Lord. He was assassinated by his servants, ending his brief two-year reign. The people then executed his assassins. He was buried in the garden of Uzza with his father, not with the honor of most of the other kings.

We see that this king’s sins kept escalating. Amon “humbled not himself before the LORD, as Manasseh his father had humbled himself; but Amon trespassed more and more” (2 Chronicles 33:23). He never stopped to consider all that he did. He did not remember the Assyrians who took his father away, and how he returned a changed man. He was hardened in his ways. Nothing was going to change his mind.

Do not get so hardened in your ways. Learn from others and let the Lord direct your paths. Otherwise, you follow the trajectory of Amon.

This is a part of the Kings of Judah series. To go back to the table of contents, proceed here.