The Faith of Abraham, Part II


Previously we took a look at Genesis 15:6 in its original context. Now, let us consider Romans 4:3 in its context. This is by no means an exhaustive study.


In the Romans 1-3, the Holy Spirit through Paul tells us how the entire world, whether Jewish or not, is condemned before God. God gives us over to idolatry and wickedness the more we turn from God. None are righteous, no, not one. However, God has revealed a righteousness that is directly from Him (Romans 3:21-31), and not from our own works. This righteousness is found in His Son Jesus Christ. We all have sinned, but we are freely justified by belief in His Son.

Reward Not Reckoned of Grace

Likewise, Abraham could not be justified by works before God. If he could be, Abraham himself would get the glory (Romans 4:2). To say our own good works make us righteous would obligate God to reward us in some way. This animistic tendency is the motivation of all world religion. On the contrary, righteousness is the gift of God, imputed to us (Romans 4:6ff).

It is interesting to note that Abraham was declared righteousness by God (Romans 15:6) before his sin with Hagar (Genesis 16:1-6) and his lies to Abimelech (Genesis 20:1-18). God’s imputation of righteousness precedes these major sins in his life. His righteousness was definitely not based off of his own actions.

We must consider this: does the infinite God ever need anything from the finite? God never lacks anything that we could possibly give Him. Righteousness must be given to us; we could never earn it... ever.

Circumcision, or in Uncircumcision?

Abraham was also declared righteous before he was circumcised. Circumcision, or any other work of the Law, was not relevant to the righteousness of Abraham, and neither is it with us.

Against Hope Believed in Hope

Faith includes believing that God has accomplished (can accomplish) the impossible. Abraham and Sarah had their son when they were 100 and 90 years old, respectively (Genesis 21:5; Romans 4:21). Why would God wait so long to fulfill His promise of having a son? He did it because this was clearly a miracle! There was no mistake that this was the hand of God because it is not possible for a 90 year old woman to conceive! This couple believed the promise of God, and God kept His promise.

Final Thoughts

Faith has two aspects as we consider the life of Abraham:

  1. God keeps His promises. If He says He is going to do something, He definitely will do it.
  2. God is able to do all things. What we call impossible God can freely do, for His honor and glory.

Go to Part III