Keep Your Religion to Yourself


Why do some people get so passionate about religion? While I cannot speak for everyone, for me it is a life and death issue. I naturally do not want to bring it up at all! But I like to put it this way:

Imagine I am walking down the street, and I see your house is on fire. I see you sitting with your family at the breakfast table through a window at one end of the house, but the other end is engulfed in flames, and the fire is expanding. You all are oblivious to what is going on. Do you want me to bang on the door and tell you? You know you would.

Likewise, there is a fire coming, and Jesus is the only one who can save you from it. The judgment of God is coming on the world because of our sin and rebellion against Him. Jesus died for us, receiving the wrath of God in our place, and rose from the dead. If preaching Christ will save people from the coming fire, then we cannot keep religion to ourselves.