Thou Shalt Neither Vex a Stranger


“Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Exodus 22:21)

Last night I had a dream, where I was driving down a street out in the country, here in the United States, not far from home. All of a sudden I got to a place where the surroundings changed drastically, and the people there were all Mexican folks. It was as if I were in a different country.

A man there came up and spoke to me, about how he had been in the military, when he was young, but now he was old and very poor. He had no one to take care of him now that he was old.

I do not put stock in my dreams being any more than they are, but when I awoke, I started to think what it might mean to be a stranger in a foreign land, with different customs, culture, and language. There are folks here that have legally entered our country, and we know that there are also folks that have not legally entered in.

Many people, including many Christians, get angry at the influx of foreigners into our society. They may blame them for taking up jobs, or receiving services for free that others have to work hard for. If these things are true, one can understand why one could be upset.

But let us leave the flesh crucified and buried under the ground and rethink things. Maybe this is an opportunity that God is giving us? Maybe such folks come here to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, by God’s design, since there is less Christian witness from where they came?

Pray for opportunities for such folks to hear the Gospel, and what our role in this might be. Love Jesus, and love people.