Fleeing the Cult


I had a dream on December 9, 2021, where I was a third-party onlooker, and I observed an auditorium filled with young men. A man at the podium wore a suit and hat, and he had an accent like a gangster. A suitcase was upright at his side. He told the men that he was going to give them a sort of salvation that was not forever and had to be renewed.

The speaker said some scripture references, followed by a reference to a text that was unrecognizable. He then quoted something that was not scripture. As he did so, he surreptitiously pulled up the handle on his suitcase, and some manner of gas came from the suitcase that put the audience in a hypnotic state.

One young man tried to escape. He had a very difficult time but ran from the auditorium and into the streets. Men who were leaders of the cult were outside and had a way of summoning followers by things looking like car sideview mirrors, but they were attached to the telephone poles. They turned them outward towards the street. These things called any cult members in the direction of the auditorium; they walked in that direction like zombies. The man was running in the opposite direction against the tide, and the zombies were trying to trip the young man as he ran. He kept getting up and kept running.

Just keep running.