A Comparison of World Religions


Religion View of Christ Prophets Salvation Scriptures
Catholicism Pope, Mary, Revered Saints Communion, Baptism, other Roman Church commandments Apocrypha, Writings of previous church fathers, and others
Islam Man, translated straight to heaven, no crucifixion. Mohammed, Imam Mahdi More good works than bad works (Sura 7:8-9) Quran, Hadith
Jehovah’s Witnesses Man, Michael the archangel Charles Taze Russell, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Being a part of their organization, faith evidenced by good works New World Translation of the Bible, Watch Tower literature
Mormonism Man who became a God Joseph Smith Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost (Articles of Faith 4) Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, others
Oneness Pentecostals Jesus is God the Father Baptism in the Jesus’ name, speaking in tongues
Church of Christ Result of Restoration Movement Baptism, repentance of sin, member of a church of Christ and not of a denomination
Seventh-Day Adventists Michael the Archangel Ellen G. White Passing the Investigative Judgment Ellen G. White’s writings
Judaism A false messiah, burning in hell in excrement Keeping the Law Talmud, Kabbalah
Swedenborgian Church or New Church Human manifestation of God the Father Emanuel Swedenborg Works, Ten Commandments Swedenborg’s writings