Second-Class Citizens


Christians make members of other religions “second-class citizens” (according to Bill Press on Crossfire in the summer of ‘99).

Christians that are true to the faith believe that Jesus is the only way to get to heaven (John 14:6). There are many false prophets out there that will say otherwise, but this is simply not true. There have been assertions of universalism, meaning everybody goes to Heaven, by rounding up rhetoric and twisting Paul’s words in his epistles. It is true that there is no physical prerequisite of being either male or female, a freeman or a slave, or a Jew and Gentile for knowing God (Galatians 3:28). In this respect, salvation is for all. But you have to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Are members of other religions “second-class citizens”? I say, yes, but so are believers in Jesus. The only first class citizen is Jesus, because He was perfect. Christians that are true to the faith understand their iniquity, and want to do what Christ commanded of them (Matthew 28:19), to tell people all over the world about the Good News of what Jesus did for us. The Bible tells us that all people have fallen short of the glory of God, and that no one is righteous at all (Romans 3:10-12). Nobody deserves Heaven, but those who believe in Christ and what He did, then by faith they are righteous, and God’s Grace has saved them. See especially Ephesians 2:8. There are no works, words, deeds, or anything a person can do to get saved, only believing God and leaning on Him.

In short, yes, Bill, they all are second-class citizens. But they are just as much as you and I.