None That Understandeth


“There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way.” (Romans 3:10-12)

Everybody has departed from God’s wishes. These verses tell us about the disturbing reality that has faced humankind since nearly the beginning of time. And these verses show that people not only actively turn away from God, but that they simply do not comprehend God, nor is it in their power to do so. We were born rebels, alienated from God, turning one way or another, but regardless of where we choose to go or what to do, we never do as we ought. The One who can give us peace, contentment, unconditional love, and joy, and most importantly, a right standing with God, is the only One we do not turn to for these things. Yet we never learn. It takes God, and Him alone, to give us a change of heart. Even then we are faced with a choice to follow Him or turn aside. Jesus died and rose again to pay for our sins. Our hopeless condition can change when we trust in Him. Oh, how life is so different since I have been saved from such hopelessness.