Advance the Missions Frontier


While walking in your neighborhood, you find a house on fire. The one side of the house is completely engulfed in flames. The fire is expanding to the other side of the house. Through the windows on that other side, you see a family of people acting normally, as if they have no idea their house is on fire. “Surely, they know,” you say to yourself. You keep walking.

That is the average plan for the Christian concerning missions and evangelism. We either assume that people know about Jesus Christ already, or that missions and evangelism are somebody else’s job. Maybe we do not really believe that hell is real. Anyway, for some reason, we do not share the Gospel, which is the only hope for humanity. We literally withhold the only antidote that can help terminally sick patients.

I write this as critique of myself. If you are reading this, maybe you can identify with me for a moment.

I say missions, evangelism, or soul-winning, but these are ultimately the same thing: Gospel preaching. Jesus died for the sins of humankind, was buried, and He rose again from the dead. Trusting in Him alone, and not in yourself or something else, is salvation from sin, Satan, death, and hell. It can happen thousands of miles or thousands of inches from where you live.

I write this to tell you that we need some sort of plan. We need a church plan and an individual plan. Churches should have a plan on how to reach the lost through specialized events. But as individuals, we must ask ourselves, whom can I reach with the Gospel? The sharing of the Gospel is something that is done intentionally.

This mission is one of the primary reasons we exist. If you find yourself going through the motions of life, and you’re wondering what your purpose is, this is it. You are a key to advancing the missions frontier.

Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. (John 20:21)