A True Witness Delivereth Souls (Proverbs 14:25)


A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies. (Proverbs 14:25)

A true courtroom witness will tell the truth, which will deliver the innocent from harm. The lying witness will ruin the innocent.

But what about the Christian witness? If we tell others the truth of the Gospel, the hearer who receives the truth will be delivered from sin, Satan, and hell. They heard the bad news, that they are condemned sinners that cannot help themselves. However, they also heard the good news: Jesus received their condemnation on their behalf in dying for them, and He rose from the dead. They must trust in Christ for salvation.

So it is with the deceitful witness. They may deliver the good news, but neglect to tell them the bad news. They avoid sin, hell, and judgment so as not to offend. Or they may not say that Jesus is necessary at all for salvation.

Jesus came to save people from their sins. The true witness will give the whole story.