The Gospel


What can we do to be acceptable to God? Let me tell you about Jesus Christ.

God the Creator

God created everything, but He was neither created nor caused; He always was and always will be. He created everything for His personal purpose. He is the highest authority, the Lord. He is distinct from His creation; He is holy.

The Creation

God created everything perfectly. He cannot sin or make mistakes. He ordained human beings to be the caretakers of the world. They were placed in a garden where they lacked nothing.

Angels and Demons

God created spirit beings, called angels. One primary angel’s name was Lucifer. He rebelled against God and led many other angels in that rebellion. These fallen angels are called devils or demons. Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan, or “adversary.” They seek to undermine God by destroying God’s creation, especially human beings. Their destiny is a place of eternal torment called the lake of fire.

The Only Law

There was one tree among a multitude of trees in God’s garden that was forbidden. The penalty would be death; their perfect relationship with God would be broken. Death was not a part of the original creation, but a penalty for rebellion against God’s commandment.

Satan Deceived the First Humans

Satan approached the first human beings, Adam and Eve. The fallen angel lied to them, but they knew better, outright rebelling. They broke the single law and died spiritually; their relationship with God was broken. They were ejected from the garden and were enemies of God. The world was cursed. They eventually physically died. Every human being born afterward was born to die and were enemies of God.

The Lake of Fire

Sin is not a little moral pollution. It is something hardwired into our nature. We are all born with a sin nature because of what happened in the beginning. However, we also commit our own sins, and deserve nothing but condemnation. We are God’s enemies. All the offspring of Adam, including us, will die someday. After that, a judgment will take place, which results in the lake of fire where Satan and his devils will be. We are helpless to do anything about it.

Our actual plight as sinners before a righteous God.

Promised Savior

Though God’s righteous and holy character demands justice for the sinner, His love for humanity demands a pardon. After Adam and Eve sinned, God promised them a Savior, to be born of a virgin, who would save humankind from sin, Satan, and the lake of fire. The Savior would deliver the death blow to Satan, though the Savior would also be attacked by Satan. If people trusted in God’s promise of this coming Savior, the relationship between them and God would be repaired.

The Savior is God Himself

Centuries later, the Son of God became a human being, Jesus Christ. “Christ” means “anointed king.” He is the promised Savior, born of a virgin. He was authenticated by His miracles and His sinless life. He fulfilled countless prophecies found in the Old Testament.

Jesus Died for Our Sin

Jesus was arrested by religious and political leaders. He was tortured and put to death on a cross. However, on that cross, He received the wrath of God we deserved.

Jesus Rose from the Dead

Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, proving He was the Savior and that His service was accepted by God. He was seen alive by hundreds of witnesses.

Trust Christ for Salvation

To be saved from sin, Satan, and the lake of fire, we must trust that the wrath of God our sin deserves was received by Christ. Our sin was punished without us being punished ourselves. Anyone who trusts in Christ can be saved. If you trust in Him, you have eternal life now. Eternal means forever. You have received a new life that lasts forever, being saved from the second death of the lake of fire.

Trusting Christ Means You Are Born Again

You once were born into the family of Adam and Satan’s kingdom. In Christ, you are a new creature, born anew into Christ’s family and kingdom.

Our new position before God because of Jesus Christ.

Saved to a New Life

You were saved to real purpose: to serve God and share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. He will not ever leave you.

Do you believe God’s message? Here are some next steps.