Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?
And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him. And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee? And many other things blasphemously spake they against him. (Luke 22:63-65)
Who smote you? they asked. You know that Jesus could have answered them. He could have told the name of every wicked person that dealt Him a blow. He could have announced their fathers’ and mothers’ names, their place of birth, and every particular detail about them.
He could have stopped the torture and insults with a word, and a legion of angels could have defeated the rabble very quickly.
Why didn’t He? “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42).
Praise the Lord that He took every word and every blow, for without Him, we would receive eternal hell.