

At the end of the first century, Gnosticism (in short, an ancient doctrine saying that Jesus did not have a body because matter is evil) was becoming a serious enough of a threat that John warns the recipient of his second epistle, “receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed” (2 John 1:10). Imagine that there were a doctrine so evil that John commands such a thing.

Again, Paul declares that someone is an anathema if he or she preaches another gospel other than what was preached by him. Why would he say this? Wouldn’t a little ecumenism help us?

It is literally a matter of life and death that we know the truth about who Jesus is, and what He did at Calvary. The Faith seems to be on trial in our times (even worse than a few years ago) and we need to be careful with what we feed into our minds. May the Word continually dwell in our mind, and let His doctrine replace our lowly view of Him.