Strangers and Pilgrims


Sometimes I just forget that this place is not my home. When I do this, things often seem terribly wrong. I think to myself: Maybe I should do this new thing or that, and life might get more exciting or fulfilling.

But that is the problem. This is not where we belong. If we feel at home in the world, then something is very wrong. This place is not our home.

Our home is where God is. Being bought with the great price of the blood of Jesus Christ, we no longer belong to the world or the things in it. We sojourn here (1 Peter 1:17). We are strangers and pilgrims (1 Peter 2:11).

So when I get saddened that life does not seem right, then what am I to do? I return to this truth and realize that I do not belong here, and the yearning for something new is to be with Jesus.