Dull of Hearing


We live in a time where people are dull of hearing. People do not get that the Day of the Lord, a time of worldwide judgment, is coming. They either scoff at it, or they think that it does not apply to them.

It was the Jewish people who were called dull of hearing on three occasions (Matthew 13:15; Acts 28:27; Hebrews 5:11), and it was the fulfillment of Isaiah 6:9-10. They plainly saw Jesus as the Savior, coming in the power of signs and wonders, and rejected Him. Lest you think that this was merely talking about ancient Israelites, think again. It is written for us today. And we should be warned.

In the three New Testament passages mentioned above, the people’s hearing was described as dull. However, in the original context in Isaiah, we read that God told Isaiah to “make their ears heavy.” They kept hearing the message repeatedly, and the more they heard it, the more they were wont to harden themselves to it.

We live in those times. If everyone who said they were a Christian really was, we would live in a different world.