They Went Down Both Into the Water (Acts 8:38)


I am judged on the cross of Christ, a sinner crucified, dead to sin. In newness of life, I no longer need to obey the voice of sin. Here am I; send me. I am here to do your will, O, God.

What is there left? What desires of mine advance the kingdom of the Almighty? Not one. I am here for one reason only, and that is to reflect the glory of the risen Son of God. Crucified with the Lord Jesus Christ, I live, but it is really only His life in me. I trust You, that you will accept this dead man living to be a weak vessel for the power and wisdom of God.

Why does it say that “they went down both into the water”? For they first went down into the depths with Christ. Philip was caught away, but so was the Ethiopian man, as one risen from the dead.