Getting on the Boat With Jesus


A preacher I met once talked about how he worked with youth. He used the story of Noah’s deliverance in the ark from the flood to explain their need for Jesus.

Noah was a man who built the great boat to save his family from the Flood judgment that was coming on the earth. Anybody who would have listened to his preaching could have joined him on the ark, but only he and his family were delivered (2 Peter 2:5).

After Noah got on the boat with his family, there came a time when God himself shut the door of the ark, closing off all opportunity for others to be saved from the Flood (Genesis 7:16).

There is coming a day when God will send judgment again. We need to get on the boat with Jesus. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)

Let God burn eternity in our minds, that we would live for eternity, and not for the short years we will live on earth.