Spared from Lightning


Did you ever have a time in your life where you could have died, but the Lord spared you? Here is one such story.

Thirty years ago, amid my swimming career, I was swimming outdoors on a summer morning with the rest of the team. There was thunder and lightning, and if you were on our team for any length of time, you knew do not stop for any of that! Practice was too important. Lightning shmightning.

Well, on this particular day while swimming, from under the water I saw an extremely bright flash of light. Lightning had struck so close that even our diehard coaching staff very hurriedly called us in and cancelled the remaining practice.

Four years later, I became a Christian. If I had died in the pool that day, I would have known the horrors of hell.

Such times should cause you to stop and think. We are always a step away from death. What is your life? In light of God sparing us from death, He has a purpose for us, and that purpose is wrapped up in Him.

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. (Revelation 4:11)