

The day you become a Christian is the day you realize a few simple truths. First, you realize that you have sinned against the creator God. Sinning is more than just moral pollution. It is more than the stuff you have done. It is more than your wicked thoughts and impure words.

Your sin is a condition. It is being in a position of separation from God. It is being alienated from a holy God and there is nothing you can do about it.

You are helpless to change your seemingly hopeless plight before God. The result? Being cast into outer darkness, away from the light of God forever.

But God provided a way for you to be saved. Jesus Christ, God’s own son, descended to earth, and received our rightful punishment in our place. Jesus was crucified, and he was buried. He rose from the dead and was seen alive by hundreds of witnesses.

So what do we realize? We can offer nothing to God to reconcile ourselves; God himself did it himself. We are left speechless.

It is an amazing thing to be a saved person. There is a new chance of life. But more importantly, reconciliation with God is eternal life.