Gad the Prophet


Gad was a prophet that served the LORD before and during king David’s reign. He advised David according to the word of the LORD in two cases.

First, Gad warned David to leave the hold and return to Judah in 1 Samuel 22:5, while on the run from Saul. Gad put himself at risk with this message, because Saul could have laid hands on him.

Second, Gad brought the word of the LORD to David regarding his sin in numbering Israel. David could choose between three judgments:

  1. Three years of famine (1 Chronicles 21:12), with seven years of famine in David’s land (2 Samuel 24:13, with David’s land presumably being Judah)
  2. Three months of fleeing from enemies
  3. Three days of pestilence from the Angel of the LORD

We can see the boldness of Gad, as he had to bring bad news to the king. He did not compromise the warning for fear.

When David chose the last of the options, the Angel of the LORD destroyed many in the land. The Angel commanded Gad to tell David to build an altar on Araunah (or Ornan) the Jebusite’s threshing floor (2 Samuel 24:18-19; 1 Chronicles 21:18-19). David bought the entire place for 600 shekels of gold (1 Chronicles 21:25), with the threshing floor and the oxen being 50 shekels of silver (2 Samuel 24:24). Incidentally, this site became the location of the temple of the LORD (2 Chronicles 3:1). He offered the required sacrifices there and the LORD was satisfied (2 Samuel 24:25). Gad was instrumental in accurately relaying the commandment of the LORD to David during a time of crisis.

As with Nathan, Gad was involved in relaying the commandment of the LORD regarding the Levite worship in song (2 Chronices 29:25).