All That the LORD Hath Spoken We Will Do (Exodus 19:8)


And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the LORD commanded him. And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the LORD. (Exodus 19:7-8)

God’s people have often said such things as “All that the LORD hath spoken we will do.” This is a bold statement. When they were exposed to the fearful sights at Sinai, it was easy to promise the world to God. Today, many make such bold promises to the Lord when overcome with emotion or powerful words in sermons and services.

However, when we are so bold to say that we will always serve the Lord, thinking that we will never fail, this is setting us up for failure. We need His grace to both serve Him but also for forgiveness when we fail. Nobody will follow him perfectly. I need to be careful what I promise and not rely on powerful experiences to carry me through life.