Knowledge Puffeth Up, But Charity Edifieth (1 Corinthians 8:1)


Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. (1 Corinthians 8:1)

This verse is in the context of meat sacrificed to idols, which deserves a longer discussion in itself. Here, there were Christians that struggled with idols being real. However, others knew that idols are nothing; they are not really gods or anything. The ones with the proper knowledge would disregard the struggles of the others.

However, there is a broader application where we have put spiritual knowledge before love for others. Many Bible colleges, seminaries, and theologians have highjacked what it means to be spiritual, when the faith is much simpler than how complicated we have made it. We need to know the truth and have the facts right concerning the faith, but we also must do so in a context where we love and serve others and think about their needs.