Wedding Rings


Some time ago, I read an article entitled Should Christians Wear the Wedding Band? published by the Biblical Mennonite Alliance. This is an informative article that is worth reading. However, I would like to put forward my view on this matter in brevity to simplify the matter.

When we became engaged, I gave my wife an engagement ring. When we got married, we put on wedding rings. That was always assumed, and I never thought people did it any differently. But let me tell you why we no longer wear wedding rings.

Today, everyone wears these rings, saved and unsaved alike. Folks who have been married and divorced multiple times wear them just like those who were only married once. Now, even the same-sex marriages are using these rings in their ceremonies. The common denominator between all of these groups is the wedding ring. Do I really want my marriage lumped in with the divorce-and-remarriage crowd or the same-sex marriage crowd? No! So what should make our marriage different from these other so-called marriages?

The way we treat each other is how it should be different. Ephesians 5:22-33 lived out should speak to the world loudly. We may not have all of that down pat (especially me), but this Scripture is our standard, NOT a ring. We need to stop Prince Charming fairy tale marriages with all of the world’s ceremonies, and be separate from the world. And that includes the wedding rings.