Losing Freedom


If there is anything that the climate of world tension is teaching us, it is the dire need to know what we believe. There are many conflicting ideologies in this world that are vying for attention. Though many enjoy the freedom to live without fear while proclaiming the Faith, many people in various parts of the world do not enjoy this freedom. Most importantly, we need to recognize that this restriction on the Faith will be what characterizes the world system as we approach the return of our Lord.

It was in the ancient world, before Constantine became emperor of the Roman world, where the church exploded from Jerusalem to far corners of the world. While the Apostles wrote the New Testament, they wrote in this environment. The Jewish people of the day saw them as a heretical sect that needed to be abolished, so they were instrumental in persecution as were the Romans. The Romans persecuted the Church on many false premises. We cannot forget this as we read the Bible. Take this example from Ephesians 5:15-17:

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”

What would happen if the first century church acted as fools and did not seek the Lord and His wisdom? They would discredit the witness of the church, and the persecution would increase. More people would be at stake and be killed. Take another example from Ephesians 4:32: “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” This needed to characterize the first century church because the very atmosphere of the world was exactly the opposite of this.

Based on the rising tensions the world over, I do not think that it is too bold to say that we are running out of time for freedom of the Faith. Having said this, we must know what we believe. We need to know the Word of God and apply it. Here are some thoughts: if owning a Bible became illegal tomorrow or if we were suddenly thrown into an environment where we could not have a Bible, would we be able to survive spiritually? What would we do if meeting together for the sake of worshipping the Lord became illegal? It is with great urgency we must put on “the new man” because we would never otherwise survive an environment where the Faith was illegal.

It is most important to emphasize that it is not behavior patterns that we need to apply. We need to be intimately involved in knowing Christ and seeking His will. Centering all of our being on knowing Jesus will allow Him to change our hearts. Pray to this end, that we will be ready for whatever the Lord plans for us in the future. If Christ is not everything in our lives, we will not stand.