Vow of Praise


Ever read a psalm, and wonder what the author was thinking? You might see something that starts off as the author’s troubles, then a confession of trust. Then you might see an outburst of petition with urgency. Then it rounds out with praise. Sometimes, you might even see a sudden change midsentence:

Save me from the lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. (Psalms 22:21)

These are called lament psalms. Amid your trial, after much prayer, you become more confident of the Lord’s presence, and that He will carry you through. Recently, we had dealt with some sickness, and while this can be hard, we trusted the Lord would get us through. When He gets us through, it becomes opportunity for public testimony of His goodness. He got us through! The Lord provided what we needed.

When you unload your frustrations to the Lord, and He delivers you, do not forget to thank Him for His goodness, both in private and in public. Tell your church. Tell your friends. Give credit to where it is due.