The Importance of Genesis 1-11: God as Creator and Judge


Genesis 1-11 is important because it establishes God as both creator and judge. As creator, He is the sustainer of all things and everything is rightfully His. It explains the beginning of God’s perfect world, how people are in the image of God, how God created male and female genders, how marriage came to be, how sin entered the world, why we die, and even why people wear clothing.

The flood demonstrated that God as Creator is also the righteous judge that judges sin. We are accountable to Him. There is no respect of persons with Him; everyone outside the ark drowned. The flood also explains the continental “drift,” rock layers, and the fossil record.

The tower of Babel and its subsequent diaspora explains how different languages and nations formed. It explains how the different so-called human races were formed. It also reiterates how God is the righteous judge. He told everyone to spread out across the earth, but they didn't. Disobedience has consequences.

Rejecting these narratives or reinterpreting them considering so-called scientific discoveries has had disastrous consequences. We are told that God is no longer the creator. If He exists at all, He is blamed for the sin in the world, which He did not commit. Death is natural and always existed; it is not the consequence for sin like the Bible says. As a result, they think there is no sin or any consequence for it. Marriage has been redefined or circumvented altogether for sexual pleasure. We are no longer in the image of God; we are evolved animals.

God, if He exists, is there to suit your felt needs. He is not the righteous judge, because “judge not.” The Flood and Babel narratives are myths now for the same reason.

Modern science falsely so called such as evolution has given us an alternate narrative. With that, we have seen what our modern western world has become.

We will live out the narrative we believe in.

God went out of His way to explain the days of creation are 6 literal days, that animals and plants produce after their own kinds, and the exact ages of the patriarchs in the genealogies are given. Death and disease were not a part of God’s creation, but rather consequences of humankind’s sin and rebellion against Him. The Bible demands a young earth view. These hybrid Biblical-evolutionary views do not fit. You must choose.

If we cannot trust the first chapters in the Bible, why should we trust the rest of it? If the Pope calls creationism magic, how are the virgin birth of Jesus, His miracles, and His resurrection not magic?

By believing in a literal Genesis we can correct much thinking that has gone wrong over the past many generations. However, people do not want the real God who is both Creator and Judge.