A Lifestyle of Focus


When I was in college, I was a competitive swimmer. Of all the years I was involved in the sport, one particular year stands out. I had the most success that year because of a certain attitude I exhibited and philosophy I lived out. It was a lifestyle of focus. But focus on what?

Certainly there were days when I was exhausted. I remember one frigid day when I had a sore throat and the thought of swimming in cold water was absolutely horrid. Yet I was the first in the pool to begin the workout. The drive was not from mere love of the sport. It was the dream of success at the end of the season. Focus during difficult days paid off at the end of the season.

I received a few medals in championship meets, as I had desired, and my attitude was one of pride. But there is something to be said for this type of focus in a Christian’s life. There are bad days, and as Christians we know the forces of darkness are at work against us. Yet our focus must be on the future. No matter how unpleasant circumstances are now, we can fixate our eyes on the coming of our Lord, who stands at the consummation of history. Continuing in this life journey leads us to the perfection of our salvation and the imperishable crown the Lord promises us. Keep the focus on that last Day, and this difficult road that lies ahead will be worth every step.