A Clean Thing Out of an Unclean (Job 14:4)


Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. (Job 14:4)

Job rightly recognized that the plight of humankind is short and brutal. Upon thinking of this, he said there is no way to make something clean that is inherently unclean. This is our plight before God. Any sin we committed reflects on who we are; we were not born morally neutral. We are sinners by our heritage, our Adamness, not by doing bad things.

Praise be to God; He recreates us in Christ. He deals with our problem at the root. When we are born again, we are not born like we were the first time. We were descendants of Adam the first time, but now, we are born again as descendants of Christ. We have a new nature, a new ancestry, one characterized by life, and not by death. God did not make an unclean person clean when we became a Christian. He started from scratch. Spiritually, as Christians, we are already the new creation. In the resurrection, we will also be the new creation physically.