All My Springs Are in Thee (Psalm 87:7)


As well the singers as the players on instruments shall be there: all my springs are in thee. (Psalm 87:7)

The sons of Korah write about the land of their nativity, Zion, the City of God. There were mountains and streams there, for sure. But what made Zion anything special? It is because the Lord was there and chose it as His own.

Residents of a higher Zion, our springs are from Him. The source of all water must be from Him, be it the heart, the thoughts, the actions, the words. The center of our affection must be continually on the Lord Jesus Christ. His life only must flow from us.

So what if we drink from another spring? Surely sickness abounds, causing great pain. It may take awhile to flush away the parasites.

I drank from another spring, and there was much regret. From there, there is a longing to get back to the fountain that is the Lord. We must persist in this. Other waters may seem sweet, but there is only death there. We must be resolute to say to the Lord, “all my springs are in thee.”