And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man (Matthew 26:72)


Peter vehemently denied the Lord openly in front of many that day. Any one of us can and has done the same. However, we are united forever with the Lord Jesus Christ, just like the apostle Peter. We need the power of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to be sure we make that identity public.

Peter was so bold and so sure that he could and would fight and die for the Lord. In our innermost resolve, we also say the same within ourselves. But then, when real opportunity comes up, we fail. Peter thought he would be before Caiaphas or Pilate with the Lord, but he finds himself denying the Lord to a servant girl. We think so highly of our own ability to be able to share the gospel, and the simplest opportunity arises, and we hide ourselves. This is what it is like to be ashamed of the Lord.

We truly need to have the Word of God in our mind and be filled with the Spirit to always be ready. Otherwise, we fold like a deck of cards because the natural man will do nothing for the Lord. The old man hates Him.