Thou Hast Put Gladness in My Heart (Psalm 4:7)


If you lie in bed with worry and fear, here is something that can speak to you.

Wherever you are, and in whatever situation you find yourself, you can have joy. Consider a man in distress who was being attacked by those seeking his harm:

Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. (Psalms 4:7)

The “thou” is God; He put gladness in David’s heart. If you do not have such joy, you need to seek the Lord, for He is the source of joy. If you think you have joy without the Lord, it is not joy.

Joy comes from the Lord, and it is experienced more fully by a few things:

  1. But know... Know that the Lord sets His people apart for His own purpose. Know that He hears His people (Psalm 4:3).
  2. Stand in awe, and sin not... Behold the Lord Jesus Christ in His risen, enthroned glory, and consider Him, even when you are lying in bed. Turn away from the sin that offends Him (Psalm 4:4).
  3. in the LORD.” As a result of knowing who He is, trust in His deliverance from your distress (Psalm 4:5).
  4. There be many that say... Ignore the voices, including your own, that cast doubt on the Lord’s goodness, and His ability and willingness to help you. Ask Him for what you need (Psalm 4:6).

Considering and knowing the LORD’s goodness is how He brings gladness in troubles. As a result, “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety” (Psalms 4:8).