He That Keepeth Thee


“He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.” (Psalm 121:3)

This is from one of the Songs of degrees, a series of beautiful psalms at the end of the book. The “he” here is the LORD, the one whom we look to for help (121:1). He can help us because he made all things, and therefore all things are subordinate to him (121:2).

He will not allow us to be moved. The enemy will not prevail over those who trust in him. Those who rest in the eternal security found in our Lord Jesus Christ can fully appreciate this truth. It is the LORD who is steadfast in preserving us, both in this life and in eternity future.

God is not a man that gets tired and needs a break from his daily endeavors. He will not cease to “keep” us. What does it mean to keep in this case? In Genesis 4:2, we see that Abel was a keeper of sheep. A keeper of a flock is a caretaker of them. In other places, jailers are keepers of prisons (Genesis 39:21), and yet elsewhere people are keepers of wardrobes, the king’s forest, gates and other things. A keeper has things in his care, and he has charge of whatever those things are. The LORD is our keeper, and keeps us and cares for us. He is our master, but his yoke is easy and his burden is light. He is the Good Shepherd. Our confidence is in his ability to save and preserve us until the day of Christ.