Our Innermost Being


At the core of our being, there is an emptiness we long to have filled. Whether we consciously or unconsciously do so, we seek to fill these longings any way we can to dull the pain of the void that swallows us up on the inside. We seek to fill this cavity, not with the living water the Lord Jesus offers in John 4, but with other things. These other things become our gods, and we serve them constantly because by living according to these things, they give us value and comfort, albeit temporarily and inadequately. Everybody does it to a certain extent, both the Christian and the non-Christian. We justify sin so we can fill this innermost being, yet we are never filled.

The Lord Jesus is the only One who can fulfill this cavity. We can’t fill it. A relationship with Him and also finding our purpose in Him is paramount in finding joy and satisfaction this side of heaven. Wrong thinking about God and our fallen condition has warped us into believing otherwise. Do we seek God for fulfillment, or something else? Do we come to terms with the reality that we ultimately long for someone to love us unconditionally and to have purpose and eternal significance? Only Jesus can supply us with the solution and the fulfillment of these longings: trusting in Him, seeking and communing with Him, and recognizing that in Him we have our being.