He Sent His Word, and Healed Them (Psalm 107:20)


Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. (Psalm 107:19-20)

These were foolish sinners, who suffered and nearly died because of their sin. But when they cried to the Lord, He delivered them and healed them. “He sent his word,” and they were recovered. This same Word has redeemed us from the ultimate destruction.

There was a need, they saw that only God could satisfy it, and He did. As we hunger and thirst after righteousness, becoming increasingly dissatisfied with defeat in our sin, God sends the Word, and by Him, He fills that need.

God does the same today. We sin and suffer defeat, which causes us to know the Lord as our deliverance. What does He do, but give us more of the Word? And that Word is Jesus.

This is why we cannot cease to occupy the room of faith; by faith He performs His perfect will in us. Else, we walk in defeat.