So I Prayed to the God of Heaven (Nehemiah 2:4)


Nehemiah was a man of prayer. Part of his prayer life was short prayers at critical moments.

Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven. (Nehemiah 2:4)

Nehemiah had already prayerfully considered at length what he would do in Jerusalem if he were permitted. Now the king was asking him of his plans, and the humble cupbearer was going to make the request of his master. In the second or so between the king’s question and Nehemiah’s answer, he quickly prayed one last time before his role in the wall rebuilding would be decided.

The Lord answered Nehemiah’s prayer, and we see how prayer guided his decisions from Shushan to Jerusalem.

It is not the length of prayers that matter. Some are long and some are short. Consistent prayer expresses and teaches us reliance on the Lord who will accomplish His will through us.