Shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ


For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ. (Acts 18:28)

Apollos could convince the Jewish people of Jesus being the expected Christ from the Scriptures. The Old Testament, with which his audience would have been very familiar, shows clearly by prediction and type that Jesus is the anointed of God who will rule over the world. When he came into Achaia, the people had no choice but to fall before the Lord Jesus and accept Him.

If Jesus is Christ, that means He is the most exalted King. He gives the marching orders to His people, and we are to serve Him above any other political entity. We have elections in our society where we choose the government and some of the laws. With Him it is not so. He is King, and He will return and abolish those systems and reign from Jerusalem. Please let us get this right before He comes to take His rightful throne.