The Flat Earth Theory


The flat earth theory is not Biblical. Let us examine what the Scriptures say on the matter.

Four Corners?

Here are some statements concerning four divisions of the earth in some way:

There are four corners according to these verses: Isaiah 11:12; Revelation 7:1 (where it also mentions four winds); and Ezekiel 7:2. There are four quarters according Revelation 20:8.

The most logical way to explain this is evident in Revelation 7:1, where the four winds were being held back before the rapture. The four winds are simply directions: north, south, west, and east.

The Earth Cannot Be Moved?

According to these scriptures, the earth cannot be moved: 1 Chronicles 16:30; Psalm 93:1; 96:10.

However, in Psalm 16:8 the Bible reads, “I shall not be moved.” This does not mean the Psalmist will never move; it simply means that an outside force will not move him because he does not do wickedly. Therefore, when the Bible says that the earth cannot be moved, it means that no outside force will affect it so that it will be moved from its course.

The Ends of the Earth?

According to these scriptures, there are ends of the earth: Job 37:3; Proverbs 30:4; Jeremiah 16:19; and Daniel 4:11.

However, the Bible calls the dry land earth in Genesis 1:9. These refer to the farthest places away, where the land meets the sea.

Pillars of the Earth?

According to these scriptures, the earth has pillars: 1 Samuel 2:8; Job 9:6; and Psalm 75:3.

However, pillars are just simply things that hold up something. Today, these pillars of the earth we would call tectonic plates.


According to Genesis 1:8, 9, the word firmament is used for the sky. It is simply an expanse between the water on the earth, and the water above the earth, which are clouds.

According to Isaiah 24:18, “windows from on high” are mentioned. This is a poetic way to say that the rain began to fall.

Stars Will Fall?

According to Revelation 6:13, stars will fall. These would likely be what we call “shooting stars,” or meteoroids.


The conclusion is that there is little about the shape of the earth in the Bible. A notable verse is Isaiah 40:22, which simply calls the earth a “circle.” Any of the above can easily be reconciled with modern astronomy and a spherical planet earth.

That being said, because this is such a miniscule subject in the Bible, it is worthless to try to make a bigger study of this than what you see above. Why would there be some great conspiracy about the shape of the earth, the existence of planets (2 Kings 23:5), the moon landing in 1969, and other related things? Not one jot or tittle of the gospel is changed from any conclusion about any of these. Not a single aspect of the Christian life is diminished. God is not dishonored by any of it, because this heaven and earth are going to be destroyed to prepare for the new Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1). Geocentricity and the like do not make God more loving of His creation; rather, because He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for humanity, we see expressly the love of God for us.

Wasting time on this hearsay is absurd, when there are so many other things that we need to know from the Bible.