God Is Jealous


“For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” (Exodus 34:14).

Did you ever wonder why God is “jealous”? One may even think that this is such a petty trait for the omnipotent creator of the universe, much less an appropriate name for him. However, this attribute of our personal God makes a lot of sense if you think it over.

Throughout the Bible, God is considered a father, a husband, or a king to his people. Let us put this in terms we can understand. All you spouses out there: what if your husbands or wives went up to people of the opposite sex, saying they loved them instead of you, what would you think? For all of you parents: what if your kids went to some other couple, and called them mom and dad? That is how it is with God. God created us, and when we give honor or love that rightfully belongs to God to something else, he is jealous. He wants what rightfully belongs to him.