God Cares???


“If left to our own way of thinking, every one of us would conclude that God either is bad or doesn’t exist.” - Larry Crabb, Finding God

How many of us really believe this? I think I do sometimes... The world is a monument to sadness, brokenness... Looking inward, I look at my own life, and even my own shortcomings become God’s fault. I mean, if he cared, wouldn’t he have stopped this or that? (We can actually start thinking this way...)

So how can God be good? Believing in the God of the Bible is more than Christian apologetics. The reasons aren’t good enough anymore. Something is missing.

It comes to me though. God himself became a man and lived among people. He came helping people by healing infirmities, accepting the outcasts, teaching with authority... They killed him for it. He is no stranger to sadness, suffering, and betrayal.

God never promises to solve our problems or heal our wounds, though he very well may. He promised a well of life that we might walk as he walked through trials. He promised forgiveness and a future hope. These came at a price: his life in the flesh. This is how we know he is good.