Living in a World That is Bigger Than Me


A few days ago I was outside at work, hacking huge clumps of hardened dirt and clay. With pick in hand, I swung with all of my might, and slowly, the tough brown boulders broke into smaller clods. I do not know how many swings it took, but I was there for about an hour trying to get manageable pieces to cover the hole that was dug the previous day.

I took several short breaks, gazing out over the lake with each pause. “What happened?” I kept thinking to myself: Not ten years ago, I was in excellent shape. I swam on a team throughout all of high school and college, and these teams were of no mean ability. Now it is tiring to do a job that would have taken me half the time ten years ago. What happened?

I had naturally let myself get out of shape, but more than that, I realized, and am still now realizing, that this was a source of self-confidence that had long had a hold on me. And this is not the only thing.

But in that moment (as in most moments that we squander away without realizing), I realized once again that I live in a world that is bigger than me, and a God beyond the scope of my wildest imagination created it all. This same God reached down and saved me from the perishable things such as the trophies of my accomplishments. He has greater things for us than what we cling to. We must let the power of salvation in Jesus Christ renew our minds and live for the things that are bigger than ourselves. Live for the things that count for eternity and let go of the things that will fade away at the end of the age.