2 Timothy 2:20-21: A Vessel unto Honour


2 Timothy 2:20-21

The great house, according to 2 Timothy 2:20-21, has vessels of gold and silver as well as wooden and earthen. The former vessels are of honor, the latter of dishonor. The master of the house is going to use the vessels of honor every time. Being a man of honor, he is not going to have it any other way.

The analogy of the vessels follows from the previous sections, which compared studying the Word of God to be approved of the Lord versus those who are vain babblers (like Hymenaeus and Philetus) that debate about nonsensical, useless, nonbiblical things. If we study the Bible to be properly equipped for Him, we are going to be the vessels of honor. You would need to “purge himself from these.” “These” refers to babblings of the heretics.

The resurrection being already past was one example of babblings used in this passage. There are a lot of things we could consider today. It could be stuff like overdoing political discussions. “If we could only vote the right people in, things will get better.” Or it could be foolishness like the flat earth theory. Maybe it is long discussions on who the Nephilim are or soul sleep. These discussions do not help anyone; they can even cause extreme harm.

What does it mean to be a vessel of honor? It is described in other words: “sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.” Note the progression:

Sanctified. This means set apart or holy. God is the only one who is truly holy in His own right. He is completely and wholly other from anything else. Everything else considered holy derives its holiness from God, who makes things and people holy. The opposite of holy is profane (remember profane and vain babblings). In this case, you are set apart from the fleshly arguments of the world unto Scriptural edifying of others.

Meet for the master’s use. This goes with being sanctified. The Master does not use the profane; He uses the one who is set apart for His purpose. To continue the analogy of the vessels in a great house, the Master is going to use the gold chalice and the crystal. A nobleman is not going to use the cheap plastic cup that was picked up at a carnival! He uses the best. Be the best by applying the Word of God and not human wisdom.

Prepared unto every good work. This builds on the previous points. Having a foundation on the word of God and staying separate from the world’s babbling makes you ready to do the work of the Lord. Part of it is knowing which are the hills to die on, and what is a distraction from the truth.

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