If Any Man Have Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear (Mark 7:16)


If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. (Mark 7:16)

A variation of this verse can be seen within the New Testament, mainly spoken by our Lord. Perhaps He is referencing the prophet Ezekiel: “But when I speak with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; He that heareth, let him hear; and he that forbeareth, let him forbear: for they are a rebellious house” (Ezekiel 3:27). The choice is up to the hearer (us) what to do with the accompanying information that they may turn and be saved. Hearing implies understanding and considering what is said and making the appropriate changes as a result.

In Matthew 11:15, it is a warning that John the Baptist came in the power of Elijah before the great Day of the Lord. He was the warning; now the Lord has come.

In Matthew 13:9; Mark 4:9; and Luke 8:8; it is a warning of the parable of the sower. How were the people hearing the warning? Which soil represented them?

In Matthew 13:43, it is a warning of the parable of the wheat and the tares. Which type of plant were the hearers?

In Mark 4:23, it is a warning that everything that is done in secret will one day be exposed.

In Mark 7:16, it is a warning that true defiling comes from within and not from without. Every man is responsible for his uncleanness; he is an agent of his own sin and not a victim. This is one of the missing verses; perhaps it was targeted for removal because of people’s unwillingness to face their responsibility for their own sin.

In Luke 14:35, it is a warning that if you do not serve your God-given purpose in being salt in society, you will be tossed out.

In Revelation 2:7, it is a warning that only the overcomer will eat of the tree of life in paradise.

In Revelation 2:11, it is a warning that only the overcomer will not face the second death.

In Revelation 2:17, it is a warning that only the overcomer will receive the hidden manna and the new name.

In Revelation 2:29, it is a warning that only the overcomer and obedient will rule over the nations.

In Revelation 3:6, it is a warning that only the overcomer will be clad in white clothes, have their portion in the book of life preserved, and be confessed before the Father.

In Revelation 3:13, it is a warning that only the overcomer will be preserved in the temple and New Jerusalem and receive the Lord’s new name.

In Revelation 3:22, it is a warning that only the overcomer will sit with Christ on His throne.

In Revelation 13:9, it is a warning that everyone who is not written in the book of life will worship the Antichrist.