Iron Sharpeneth Iron


“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17)

There are a lot of reasons why we need other people. Unconditional, sacrificial love is a commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ, and there are countless reasons why and benefits because of this. I am going to just talk about one thing I thought about tonight.

When we are alone, reading God’s Word or thinking about spiritual things, we could easily get ideas into our head that are not Christian. I find myself casting God in my image, instead of beholding him as He objectively is. Big problem! But, when we are with other people, as we sharpen each other, we see God without all the baggage we thrust on Him. We not only see God as He is, but we see our own sin we have tried to communicate to the character of God.

Praise God for His people, His church, and His love for us. Love God. Love people.