In Christ Shall All Be Made Alive (1 Corinthians 15:22)


For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:22)

Everyone is born the first time in Adam, and since that birth we have been dying. Even more specifically, everything from Adam is in a state of death. The human race as a whole died with him when he sinned. At conception, we’re already dead, and then there’s the judgment.

However, when we’re born again, we’re born into the new family that is characterized by life, not death. This is Christ’s family. This is true of everyone who is born again. Not only are we alive, but we are alive to the fullest. There is no death even when this body wears out; then are we present with the Lord. This is only because we are identified with our risen Lord, who has freely given to us His life. We will fully know this experience on the Day of Christ, the great resurrection day.

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