What I Have is Sufficient


Remember when Paul prayed that his thorn in the flesh would be removed? What was God’s response?

“My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

We all think we need this or that in order to be satisfied. If we are in Christ (and we are if we believe that He died for our transgressions and rose from the dead), then all I need is Him. And He is sufficient.

We are about to go to Oklahoma and analyze the Cherokee language based off elicited utterances from a native speaker. It will be hard. But what we have is sufficient. God will have us learn what we need in order for us to be His equipped servants to the ends of the earth.

When we go to the overseas, we will be in a world where we will not have the daily conveniences that westerners enjoy. But what we have is sufficient. We are made perfect in Jesus Christ, as well as when we are weak.

If the economy falls and never recovers, then still what we have is sufficient. No matter what happens, what we have is sufficient. And what we have is all in whom we have: Jesus Christ. All that we own and all that we see will not be around forever. Jesus is our possession; He is all that we are, He is our life, and He is the one we will know forever... we need to stop looking for something that will fulfill our longings and satisfy our thirst. What we have is sufficient.