The Lord Lifts Up


There is no greater privilege or pleasure than to serve Jesus, the King of kings. Do we realize that this a privilege that we can take a hold of daily?

There is good reason why that, once we are saved, we are not instantly ushered into His glory: He wants to use us in a world that is one day closer to eternal death. Now that we have been saved from such a terrible fate, it is our duty to walk with Him and allow His Spirit to shine into the darkness.

Sometimes this seems impossible. From where can we muster energy to serve Him among lost people? We know from the Word that the Lord lifts us up when we are broken. Jesus is the gentle shepherd that wants to see us walk with Him. Jesus is not a taskmaster; He tells us who are weak and overburdened, “my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” The Lord never gives up on us; He keeps lifting us up.

I look to my own life and wonder if I devote all of my days to resting in Him. I am currently looking to the Lord to see what His vision is for me while I have plenty of time to study His word and just simply be with Jesus. Is there more He would have me do and learn here besides my usual course of study here? I feel as if there is, but I do not know what it is at this present time. Who is perfect and mature? We all have plenty of room to grow. Remember these encouraging words of Jesus in Luke 6:40: “The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.”