Where There Is No Vision (Proverbs 29:18)


Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Proverbs 29:18)

The vision here is like a prophetic vision or oracle. Why do people perish with lack of such a vision? It is because there is a lack of hearing from God. They are not directed by the Almighty. Therefore, there is ultimately discouragement, despair, and destruction.

However, the rest of the verse contrasts with the former part. He that keeps the law is happy. The believers in Christ’s relationship to the Law is another story. But for here, let it suffice that the Law is the Word of God. If you obey the Word of God, you will not despair and pine away. You will know your God-given purpose and therefore live with purpose. And this is not for you... this is for the glory of God.

Do we need more visions and dreams and extra-biblical revelation? No, this verse rather says that we need more of the already-spoken-and-settled Word of God and to hear and obey that.