Soul Winning: The First Two Weeks


Two weeks after my soul-winning marathon in Jacksonville, where I served as a silent partner, I began my first soul-winning neighborhood outreach on January 28, 2017. This was a huge first step for me, being the isolated, introverted homebody that I am. There is no opportunity to really be a silent partner with a soul-winner here, so I had to just take the initiative and go for it.

There were a lot of people not home. Being a Saturday, I thought more people would be home. However, we were able to speak with four people. Two people were already saved, though with one I still shared the entire gospel because it did not seem clear if she understood what it meant to be saved. The third person I spoke with I also shared the entire gospel with, as he did not seem to understand that the gospel was a free gift to be received. So we shared the gospel with him and prayed with him.

The fourth person we spoke with was a Spanish speaker. In October, I started listening to Spanish language learning CDs in the car traveling to work, but I am nowhere near the place I need to be to have a conversation with someone. I was able to give him a tract which included a link to a video with someone giving the gospel in Spanish, and told him in very broken Spanish, “you have to see this video!” Sadly, I am not sure if he understood any of that, so it is in the Lord’s hands.

The next week, February 4, 2017, we went out again. We were only able to speak with a few people. The first was already saved. The second was a young man who was very honest in that he knew he was not saved. I gave him the gospel, and it was very clear that he understood everything and got saved. We prayed with him to thank God for His provision in Jesus Christ, and we gave him a Bible. This was probably one of the greatest moments in my life. There was another young man there, but he did not have time to speak. I hope to connect with him soon. The last was already saved, but I shared some truths from the Bible that he was a little unclear on.

I am rejoicing that God used me to get someone saved. This is a first for me. I am praying for this young man to serve God in his life.

I also realize the need to continue to learn the Spanish language, as there are many folks that speak the language here.

Pray for us as we continue this service to our community.